You are ….. Bristly as a bramble As thorny as a bush I'd call you a thistle But they are more loyal, A symbol of Courage, loyalty And more, Your treachery has kept me from your door, You don't even want to eat with me anymore If you were an animal, you'd be a black panther for sure, If you were a tree, a Dutch Elm, diseased from top to toe. I can't believe how you've turned on me Didn't think this would happen, Ya know, I thought we'd continue meeting weekly, I thought you were my friend But guess I've been fooled once again! If you were a season, you'd definitely be Winter In fact, I'm wondering if you are the snow queen's sister, You are the weather On a strong stormy day, You are the darkest hour before dawn - Your favourite item of clothing...... behind closed doors is the big, dark cloak laying on your floor. The music you play must be the Gregorian Chant You are the landscape where people fear to tread I can't believe all the ...