
Showing posts from July, 2022

A pocket full of Happiness

Instead of lots of doing We should do lots of Being.  Doing too much doing.... may be our Undoing. Be in the moment,  Be Happy,  Don't be ratty.  Put your own smile on your face, Just be Happy, Embrace-  Breathe, just be ...... and you will see, Bad Thoughts will cease. Look in the mirror,  Smile, and let it be,  say to yourself,  I am Happiness  Breathe it, feel it- I am Happiness let the negative feelings leave,  the positive feelings will cleave,  I am Happiness,  Speak it daily - I AM HAPPINESS!  Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes  February, 2022

A glimpse of Joy

A weird kind of Joy Unexplained inside A Prayer went up Like a Balloon to the sky Named Joy   Not long afterwards A Miracle, I’m sure I passed you in my car You  were waiting  on the pavement Indescribable Joy   On the way to meet my friend My heart skipped a beat You’d smiled and nodded Would I be yours again,  To love, honour and keep ?   Your text came through You still had love for me I was with my friend by then Drinking a cup of tea Insatiable Joy   It felt like a New Dawn I was eager to rise, And be by your  side - Expectant Joy   You arranged to come and see me I was reassured As I saw you approaching my door. My love for you and your love for me Held no bounds I was so glad you’d come around   Here’s to our future joy That our love will last You’d sent up Prayers too,  You are forgiven The past is the past Forgivable Joy. Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes  July,2021  

Quiet Frustration

I’m quietly frustrated  Not much to be said All these thoughts  Swirling round my head Taboo Subjects-  Scared to speak out loud. But, if I don’t,  It descends -  That big black cloud! Heavy with Emotion,  Issues, Junk and More!  Feeling safe at home, Don’t want to venture Out the door,  Just feel like going back to bed Fear of being rejected, So ….. My thoughts are frozen  Better off, left unsaid !  Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes  March, 2022

Mona Lisa

  If I were the Mona Lisa My hair would be such a mess There would be no queuing up for me That I must confess ! Painted by Leonardo da Vinci A magnificent work of Art Behind glass in the Louvre Only cheap copies at the mart! She was a Mother when : Leonardo started painting her in 1503 He took his time It took 4 years to complete!  It was never really finished though,  Though it looks rather neat Da Vinci got mild paralysis  Which led to his defeat! Never got paid in his lifetime  Paintings passed onto his lover His earlier years - Born from an orphaned mother! Mona Lisa’s eyes - Follow you round the room Tourists throng every year Round the painting they loom! An Artist who was never paid His painting now displayed in the Louvre Never a Poet or an Artist be -  My mother in law used to say ! 870 Million it’s worth today Da Vinci never got to see his pay If he knew how much it’s worth now He’d turn in his grave with much dismay !  Copyright Kizzy York ...

Nomadic Roots

  Rooted and grounded Rooted and grounded Is there such a thing ?  Most of my life,  Spent travelling  My roots poking through -  Shifting Sand Wanting to be free.  Nomadic by nature Don't want to stand still Different Sceneries,  Locations,  Travelling such a thrill!  Covid years brought standstill  For a long while  But now the roads wide open And it makes me smile!  Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes 

His Mercy runs deep

  Jesus never said ….   Jesus never said…… To give your opinion  So may your words  Be seasoned by grace  All of us are sinners There is no escape  Be wise as serpents  And as gentle as doves Jesus does not want our opinions  Words should be spoken with love So, think before you speak - Not all Christians are strong in spirit  Some are very weak So, lift them up when weary Encourage them with your speech  Jesus does not want any to turn away From him, love everyone you meet  Make them run to his mercy seat Don’t accuse them like the devil does Jesus frowns on such a thing.  Acceptance, not rejection  Is what truly draws them in So next time, before speaking Rein in your opinion  Love the sinner as Jesus did.  Stoop if you have to Love draws them in Without God, they’d be more stones thrown,  So, think before you speak  Don’t make your Christian friends  Feel not good enough  Jesus sets them fr...

Daisy Blush

  Love of Daisies  Why is this ?  Nostalgia perhaps-  Of a younger day, Lying on the grass Basking in the sun Making Daisy Chains Stalks entwined Leading to Loves first blush He loves me,  He loves me not,  As if the daisies could decide My destiny My one true love That would be silly,  No!  I'll choose my own mistakes ! 

Rainbow Dust

You have to have some rain To have your rainbow  Rain then sunshine- To help you grow. Plants are watered  and so are our hearts  The rainbow comes after the pain in our heart,   It rains on the just and the unjust  I'm afraid  From each element, no-one escapes,  But look, after the rainbow has gone, The sun shines on and on, It's painful experiences  that help us to grow So, keep this in mind Next time you see a rainbow!  Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes  26/06/22