The Cave

She awoke
stared into the fire
It was not blazing
embers smouldering to a dim glow
She had been in this cave so long
Should she remain or should she go ?

Light from the entrance
streaming in
Her eyes had grown dim
Should she follow him ?
Inside her heart he was beckoning
Inside her soul, her spirit,
Come hither with me

Fear gripped
In trepidation, she waits
heart pounding in Her chest
She knew he only wanted the best
But, this cave she had been in such a long time

Slowly, she got up
Stumbled to the entrance
dark was her way
the light guiding her
She gripped the cave entrance tight
All she felt was fright

She knew she had to step out
Into the unknown
Light so bright
Her hands shielding her face
It seemed so much safer inside the cave

She tripped, stumbled
crawled out her cave
Warmth of the sun
Warmer than the fire
A different kind of warmth on her face

She looked up
Saw budding flowers
Spring must be here
The drabness of winter must disappear

Many winters she'd stayed in the cave
Though she'd known deep down
That's not the way to behave
Stepping out Into the light
She needed to
Make her future bright

She did it
At last she was free
She could see the narrow path
Where she wanted to be
with every step she wavered
But knew she had to go
The dark dark cave had always made
Her feel so low

At last she had done it
A home appeared
people laughing and singing
joy was out here
They reached out towards her
she grasped their hands
She knew this was part of Gods overall plan

The future seems distant
The future seems bright
She looks back behind her
The cave out of sight

She knew she would still have dark days
But these people would help her now
She was no longer alone
with her frown
and one day she knew - she would receive her prized crown

She would cast it before him
Not mine, but yours,
Your life you gave
So I could give up my cave

Not only in this world
But your kingdom come
I knew at that moment
what his words would be
Well done good and faithful servant
At last, you are free !

Copyright Kizzy York aka Karina Oakes


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