Ode to a Grandson

As soon as I saw you
My heart skipped a beat
I didn't know what to do
It was the hospital heat

Daddy drove you home
On that first night
Mummy didn't want to be alone
And the hospital was too bright

The first night you did cry
But settled well between each feed
I left for home and said Bye
Glam-ma's chance for a sneaky read

I soon came back though
For a couple of weeks
I wanted time to go slow
For all those extra peeks

I need to go again soon
Back to the sea
Near to a sand dune
Where one day you will visit me

I will be back near Christmas
To see you for a while
And raise a glass
To my new Grandsons first smile

K.J.Oakes aka Kizzy York Nov 2nd,2016


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