Afflicted for Destiny

My affliction chose my destiny
That must have been God
Cause it wasn't me

I needed to slow down
Get off the roller - coaster ride
Of being a Clown

Time is running out
As you near lifes end
Destiny changed before lights out

Still, more time to think
To re-order my life
Find the missing link

Writing I love
No more frenzied life
Peace like a dove

Writing is me
My life, my history
Time to be free

I am not quite sure
Whether I will be famous
But, life seems more pure

Endless Elation
Creating Rhyme or prose
Part of God's Creation

He wants me to be me
Not somebody else
This is what makes me truly happy

I love life now
Not sure of the time left
I will go out with a Pow

Loving words and rhyme
All day to think
This is how I spend my time

Then in eternity
God will say to me
You finally did reach your destiny

Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J .Oakes Feb 23rd 2018


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