Tears and Fears
No-one sees my silent tears
Or feels my hidden fears
As I lie here so weak
Exhausted- unable to do hardly anything!
Weaker and Weaker
Weaker still
Feel so I'll, no pill
Can take away this kind of pain!
So frustrated
Having to pace my days
Can only do something every other day
And then, only morning,
Afternoon or Evening!
Feeling weary, aswell as teary
Legs getting weaker still
Feel so I'll
Can't get up or down the stairs
Without difficulty !
I need a stairlift
And a wheelchair
Or mobility scooter
Why do these things have to be so expensive ?
No fun becoming more and more disabled
And having a label
Is it the Cancer or Fibro ?
If I soon die, we'll know !
Getting less scared of death
I know I am saved
On that day, my pain will cease.
19th December, 2019 Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes
Very dark and provides a vivid look at many people with difficulties. This poem could use a little more focus on the pains you feel the aches we want to feel why you are getting less scared of death. Prehaps an additional stanza or another poem providing the fears escaping ones mind due the exsistance of reoccuring pain! Great peom and is very soul driven