Haphazard Memories

First time for everything 
They say......
Your first love
Your heart goes ping
It didn't last
Feeling like an outcast 
Your first alcoholic drink
You would not pour
It down the sink
Your first driving lesson
Your very first poem
So many firsts
I must keep going
Your first exam
First day of school
First time on the internet dating pool
First taste of Marmite
Did not go down too well
The way I reacted 
My teacher would tell
First tooth grown
First embroidery sewn
First Pet
First House, To Let
So many firsts
I must keep going
First Wedding - 
Was not wedded bliss!
You hardly had the time to give me a kiss
First Pregnancy 
Did not go as planned
I miscarried
The midwife did not let me hold your tiny hand
I wanted to keep you
But you couldn't be kept
First ever period
I am a woman now
Hormonal, First Row
So many firsts
I must keep going
First time visiting Cambridge 
I saw you rowing
First time for everything 
So they say......
So, I'll just keep going
First time swimming
An outside pool
I could hear the birds singing
They sound so cool
First phonecall
First text message
First time playing football
Not really a Girly Girl
So not from me
That first twirl!
I'd best go away 
And not keep going
Otherwise, they'll be no end to this poem. 


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