Will Skegness survive the lockdown?

Start of lockdown
I went bed with a frown
made me feel so down
I can’t do this, I sighed

I wake up, panic attack
peace is what I lack
how can I do this for weeks on end?
I go back to bed, I can’t go on
if this lockdown lasts too long

The streets are empty
caravan park shut
they are closed and empty
like a beach hut

The town so still
no tourists about
deader than winter
with no way out

B and B’s closed
hotels too
time on their hands
nothing to do 

A sobering thought for locals
And the odd caravanner
Who still have their reasons
For staying on, else they’d be gone

They are still here as Government Exemptions apply………..
Else Police and Security would make sure, 
They’d said Goodbye

It’s funny
As when you ask the locals
Where they’re originally from
Nottingham, Mansfield, Sheffield
The list goes on

Tourism will change now
I know that for sure
People will sell their caravans
And it will be like before

Wide open spaces
The odd tourer perhaps
The people of Skegness will clap
Not for the NHS
But to tourists who have gone back

More shops close down
No-one around 
Even people from Skeg have to move town

Have to find work 
Theres none here, you see
Since Businesses closed down 
And tourists have gone to a further off sea

Arcades remain shut
Due to Social Distancing Rule
With less machines
Their profits would fall

Pubs and Clubs close
Too much ale gone to waste
Relys on regular custom
To keep up the pace

Skegness, still and eery
Like a Stephen King clip
Only the big supermarkets stay open
Whilst everything else is dying

Cafes remain shut
No-one visits anymore
Candyfloss and Ice-cream stalls – miss a whole summer
Never happened before, not even during the war

Those who live here
Should never boast
When you come to realize 
It’s the tourists that made the coast
Skegness has come full circle
Like 200 years ago
A fishing town
No more, no less

People no longer frequent 
The Clock-tower
Or Skegness

People have moved town
Less people around
The result of lockdown

Whilst people were clapping for the NHS
Our seaside towns were dying
And died a slow death

Well done Corona Virus
Less pollution around
But you’ve took away our seaside town !

Which for one gave jobs to lots of people
Made Skegness thrive
Like bees to a hive

The tourists flocked
Even though they got mocked
By locals – each and every year
For their caravan lifestyle !

Lessons learned
No more jobs in the town
Seaside is empty
Home for the seagulls only ……..
After lockdown

I remember when all this were caravans
People will say
Instead of ‘ All this were fields’
Way back when
Now people only come Skegness
For the day

Caravan haters during lockdown
Might just reap what you’ve sown
And remain a ghost-town

So before you judge the tourists
And their all year round trade
Be thankful for the job you had
Before the Corona raid
Lest we go back to the old fishing town
you were from a Bygone Age

Hopefully this poem 
Will leave you with some sobering thoughts
And show you we all need each other
In these unprecedented times
So locals, don’t judge the tourists
The ones who stayed, or the ones forced to go home
Else Fate might just leave you abandoned and alone.

Copyright  Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes  
7th May, 2020



  1. You can feel the writters voice come through. Very uncomfy read and by design. The essence provides uncertainity of your way of life! Very good well done


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