A Cold and Frosty Narc


I’ll always be grateful,

For Sidney fixing my TV

It wouldn’t play Netflix

You see, and all for free.


He came and did the update,

It started working fine

I’ve got Netflix and my Cat

And Sidney round to dine


He fixed my Oven Light too

And bought me a Chinese

After, we’d watch Netflix and chill,

Now I was at ease,


Snuggled on the sofa,

We watched a fair few flicks

I noticed his hand was wandering

Closer to my knicks …….


It went further than I thought

I only wanted a kiss,

We ended up in bed,

I wasn’t expecting this!


There were some Red Flags

Of that, I must admit

But rather than pay attention

I just ignored it.


I know just a little

About Narcissistic Personality Disorder

I found you out

You’re nothing but a Fraudster!


The rumours were true

Of that I am sure,

I did a bit of investigating

Through Clare’s Law


It shocked me, made me feel quite sick, 

I thought it through

There must be a solution

To get rid of this Prick


Idealise, De-value then Discard

Went through my mind

Their pattern of Behaviour

Is not always so kind


Before Christmas, 

I’d noticed the De-Value stage

I knew it wouldn’t be too long,

Before Sidney turned the page


It sure was getting hard

To maintain this Façade

But I knew very soon

Sidney would discard


He knew what buttons to press

On that fateful night,

Made me angry, he turned up so late!

Made my love turn into Hate


He knew what he was doing

Its all a cheap thrill

I was very disappointed though,

I’d just gone back on the Pill.


Oh well, you learn from your mistakes

So, they say …

But I’m 50 now

Not sure how long it takes?


Felt a bit sad this afternoon

Writing this Poem soon changed my tune

I’m terrible for Rhyme

It’s the wonder I don’t talk it all the time

But I felt it was meant to be

If only, to plunge me into my Destiny

Goodbye, and Thanks for the Red Flags,

By the way, you can keep all your Slags !

Copyright Kizzy York aka K J Oakes January, 2021









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