My normal is not your normal

My normal is not your normal
I know that now
After five years of crying, trying to help
But I just get pushed away
You shout!

I go to bed
I pout
Try to drown your voice and singing out
It's teenager's - you are getting like your dad
As it's with them you want to hang out

I go to bed
I dream of a better life
Without you
Normal- whatever that is
All I know now five years on
My normal is not your normal

My normal likes peace
No strife
Therefore I will stop being your wife
Lessons learned - this normal hates smoke
Hates booze and dope
Enjoy your amphetamine trip
No hope for you

As for me and my house
I am getting off the ride
Just want to run and hide
Find my kinda normal
All I know is my normal is not your normal

Kizzy York aka K.Oakes 2014 Copyright


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