Ache in my Soul

There is an ache in my soul that won't go away
I feel that down I can't even pray
Friends try to encourage me
It does  me no good - I am not listening
I don't need a goal
I am facing a dark night of the soul

Can't stand nothing to do with God
Don't want to worship,  read his word or pray
Never been this bad before, my friends don't know what to say
I feel like my heart has a big big hole
Void of all love
I am facing a dark night of the soul

Don't know how long it will be
Before I break away from this darkness and once again feel free
Just reading fiction for now, can't stand God's word
Don't know why I feel this way
It's seems so absurd
I am facing a dark night of the soul

Don't know how long it will last
Become a thing of the past
But for now, just let me be
Don't try to persuade me
I feel so cold, not bold
God's word is not for me
I am facing a dark night of the soul

Copyright Kizzy York aka K. J. Oakes 17/01/2018


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