I know, I knew

The ADHD FB group
I knew
The wanting to jog in Corby Phase
I knew
The school you worked at
I knew
The times he did not show for you
I knew
The times he didn't show for me
I knew
The whole kaboodle
I knew
The Glitter
I knew
The Baths together
I knew
The Nails
I knew
The secret clandestine meetings
I knew
I know I knew
Thing is - he had done this again and again
Time after Time
I knew it was nothing new
If he had lived he would have eventually done it to you
I knew
The reason his relationships never lasted
I always knew
You never knew
I KNOW this to be true
Eternity made sure he could not do this anymore
To me, to you, to anyone new
Game over - The End
I knew and know, but you never got to know
Be thankful for small mercies
Where no-one lives happily ever after
The End
Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes January 4th, 2018


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