Two Maps I’m either here, Or there ? Residential Status – Permanent Residence, It’s such a task Habitual Residence – Why do you ask ? Two Maps...... Two Destinations..... . Two Choices...... My Life, My Choice My Choice, My Life ! They don’t like me Having Two Maps Jealousy, their residence And Final Destination! Habitual Residence Since I was 4 months old, Leave me alone, Just go ! Two Maps One by the sea Stay away – With your vengeful , spiteful, Jealousy! Two Maps Cancer foretold. When my house sold, I thought to myself, I may never grow old. Two Maps, Here we go again Habitual Residence – It suits my circumstances more – Habitual Residence This NHS allowed by Law ! Two Maps- Habitual Residence is: My Preferred Residence , To me, My Permanent Residence Two Maps – Habitual Residence Suits my needs more To your dismay, I like to stay But, ...
Jesus never said …. Jesus never said…… To give your opinion So may your words Be seasoned by grace All of us are sinners There is no escape Be wise as serpents And as gentle as doves Jesus does not want our opinions Words should be spoken with love So, think before you speak - Not all Christians are strong in spirit Some are very weak So, lift them up when weary Encourage them with your speech Jesus does not want any to turn away From him, love everyone you meet Make them run to his mercy seat Don’t accuse them like the devil does Jesus frowns on such a thing. Acceptance, not rejection Is what truly draws them in So next time, before speaking Rein in your opinion Love the sinner as Jesus did. Stoop if you have to Love draws them in Without God, they’d be more stones thrown, So, think before you speak Don’t make your Christian friends Feel not good enough Jesus sets them fr...
No-one sees my silent tears Or feels my hidden fears As I lie here so weak Exhausted- unable to do hardly anything! Weaker and Weaker Weaker still Feel so I'll, no pill Can take away this kind of pain! So frustrated Having to pace my days Can only do something every other day And then, only morning, Afternoon or Evening! Feeling weary, aswell as teary Legs getting weaker still Feel so I'll Can't get up or down the stairs Without difficulty ! I need a stairlift And a wheelchair Or mobility scooter Why do these things have to be so expensive ? No fun becoming more and more disabled And having a label Is it the Cancer or Fibro ? If I soon die, we'll know ! Getting less scared of death I know I am saved On that day, my pain will cease. 19th December, 2019 Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes
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