All is lit

 What you doing for Christmas Mum ? 

My eldest daughter said
I did a gentle hum
As I tossed some thoughts in my head

I hadn’t done Christmas Dinner for years
Could I do it ? 
Combat all my fears 
The fire in my heart had been lit

Shall I do one ? 
I’d totted up the number 8
Not done one for 8 years, should be fun
Or was I tempting fate ? 

Ok, my daughter agreed
I’d also tell my son
They’d be glad from cooking they were freed
At last, I’d be doing one ! 

I did the shopping list
I went and fetched
My daughter is pregnant, so no getting pissed 
Christmas Roast Ingredients in my mind were  etched,

Pigs in Blankets, 
The odd Brussel Sprout
Non-alcoholic drinks, 
Booze was out 

Quickly the day was approaching 
I was panicky to say the least
8 years not roasting 
Had magnified into a Beast

The day dawned
I slowly cooked the roast 
8 long years, I yawned, 
I couldn’t yet boast

Near the end of cooking time
I decided to check the meat
It surely would be fine
As the oven threw out it’s heat

To my horror, I shouted FIRE ! 
My son and daughter came rushing in
Their faces looked dire
As we contemplated the din

I looked at my son for wisdom
The lights were on, but no-one in
My daughter just looked glum 
I got a jug of water and quickly threw it in

The Fire leapt in leaps and bounds 
But it did go out
My children patted me as I looked upon their frowns
I think they appreciated my dinner, better than getting nowt

We all ate, it tasted good !
We’d forgotten about the fire
Yours again next year Mum ? My son looked up
I slowly replied, I think that you’re a Liar ! 

Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes 5/1/2021


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