Earth Angel


I’m sitting here writing

And thinking of you

I love to love you

It’s the most favourite thing I do



I love this feeling

That they call love

God sent me an earth angel

Straight from heaven above



He sent me an angel

As gorgeous as you, so sweet

He sent me you

To sweep me off my feet


You got here to earth

And walked right up to me

You said, angel I love you

Could you love me?


At first I was scared

Wondering what to do

I had fallen before in the past

And was afraid to open my heart to you


So I knelt down and prayed

And asked God what to do

He said go ahead and love him

I sent him to you


I sent him to love you

And hold you when you cry

He’s going to make you happy

Till the day that you die


I then made a decision

And thanked the lord above

For sending me this angel

And sending me someone to love



So I walked up to you

And put aside all my fears

I told you I can love you

And together we will wipe away our tears


I promise to love you

And stand by your side

As you promise to dry up

All the tears I have cried


I promise to be faithful

And promise to be true

I promise to be there

And always love you


Ill end this with saying

That dreams do come true

God sent me an Earth angel as fine as you

So from your Covenant Woman to her Covenant Man

I will rely on God to make me the woman, he can.



Karina   04/09 

Copyright Kizzy York aka K.J.Oakes



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